Discover our offers and enjoy more in Santorini
Take advantage of the very best deals available by booking direct.
Enjoy Luxury accommodation and breath-taking caldera view with 25% off
The Offer includes breakfast and it is valid for bookings and stays until November 30th. No minimum stay is required
Choose among our romantic set-up packages and live the ultimate romance experience in the most romantic place on earth.
Enjoy private dinner with the famously scarlet sunset view or let us decorate your suite with candles and roses.
The private dinner is for two and includes: Selection from 3 menus, dinner set up by the infinity pool, service.
The Suite romantic set up includes : 2 fresh roses, petals on the bed and around the room, 2 heart shaped helium balloons LOVE banner balloon, 6 candles Can be customized for anniversary , proposal , honeymoon etc.